• Ethereum -163.12
    $3,516.09 -4.43%
  • Bitcoin -2,731.10
    $66,917.9 -3.92%
  • DigitalCash -1.46
    $25.20 -5.46%
  • Cardano -0.02
    $0.4245 -4.06%
  • Ripple -0.02
    $0.4817 -4.18%
  • Ethereum Classic -1.15
    $25.62 -4.29%
  • Litecoin -2.07
    $77.55 -2.60%
  • Trigger -0.29
    $7.05 -3.92%

Ethereum Price
3,515.96 USD
Ethereum Price
3,278.10 EUR
24H Volume
14,815.92 ETH
Active Traders
393,840,363,806 EUR

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ETH Ethereum
USD 3,516
EUR 3,279
GBP 2,766
LTC Litecoin
USD 78
EUR 72
GBP 61
BTC Bitcoin
USD 66,914
EUR 62,393
GBP 52,622
XRP Ripple
Symbol Name USD Change 1h Change 24h Change 7d
BTC Bitcoin 66,916.90 +0.05% -3.92% -5.15%
ETH Ethereum 3,515.91 +0.03% -4.44% -7.74%
XRP Ripple 0.48 -0.05% -4.19% -8.40%
LTC Litecoin 77.55 -0.04% -2.60% -7.33%
DASH DigitalCash 25.20 -0.07% -5.46% -15.99%


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